Selasa, 20 Mei 2014


Kamis tanggal 12 Novenber 2009,, Mahasiswa D3 Unggulan Universitas Budi Luhur. Mengadakan Jalan-jalan bareng,, yang di ikuti 10 Mahasiswa dari D3 Unggulan Kelas ZI Universitas Budi Luhur. Kami mengandakan acara tersebut Untuk melepas pengat setelah hampir berbulan-bulan bejar dan belajar,, maka dari itu setelah kami mempunyai waktu liburan kampus,, kami langsung jalan-jalan ke kawasan object wisata curug seribu,yang letak geog

raafisnya berada di daerah lereng gunung salak bogor jawa barat... pada waktu itu kami menginap semalaman di sebuah base camp,, milik penduduk sekitar yang memang saya sendiri telah lama kenal dengan pemilik rumah warung atau base camp kami itu,,.. tepatnya nama base campnya adalah warung mang dudung,.. hehe...

suasana pada saat itu sungguh meriah, walau udara terasa sangat dingin sekali, maklum di daerah pegunungan,, tapi karena kami saling menghibur diri, maka rasa dingin udara pegunungan terasa semakin hilang hehehe,.. yang jelas hari itu sangat indah sangat sulit di gambarkan dengan kata-kata,, dan satu pesen dari kami,.. lain waktu klo ada acara lagi ngikut ya biyar lebih rame n seru,,.. ok thanks,......

Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

Tanaman Obat ( Jamblang )

Jamblang classified fruit plants originating from tropical Asia and Australia. Usually planted in the garden or growing wild, especially in teak forests. Jamblang grow at low altitude 500 m above sea level. Tree height is 10-20 m thick trunked, growing crooked, and branched out a lot. Leaves single, thick, petiole 1 to 3.5 cm. Wide leaf blade rounded or elongated oval upside down, the base width of wedge-shaped, flat edge, pertulangan pinnate, upper surface glossy, 7-16 cm long, 5-9 cm wide, it's green. Panicles of compound interest with far-flung branches, flowers sit, grow in the armpits and at the end of branching leaves, calyx bell shaped light green, oval crown shape, many stamens, white, and smells wonderful. Buni fruit fruit, oval, 2-3 cm long, young green, cooked color after dark purplish red. Seed single, oval shape, hard, white color. Rooted riding, ramify, light brown. Typically, the ripe fruit eaten fresh jamblang. It's a bit sour and Sepat. Bark can be used as a coloring agent.

Local Name:
Sumatra LOCAL NAME: jambe Kleng (Aceh), guava kling (Gayo), guava prop (Mink.). ] Awa: jamblang (Sunda), juwet, Duwet, d. manting (Java), dhalas, d. Bato, dhuwak (Madura). Nusa Tenggara: juwet, jujutan (Bali), klayu (Sasak), duwe (Bima), jambulan (Flores). Sulawesi: raporapo Java (Napier), alicopeng (Bugis). Maluku: jambula (Ternate). Malay: jamlang, jambelang, Duwet. NAME OF FOREIGN Hainan pu tao, wu guo Kou, zi pu tao (C), Waa (T), java plum, black plum, jambolan, crested (I). NAME simplicia Syzygii cumini Cortex (bark jamblang), Syzygii Semen cumini (seeds jamblang).

Curable Disease:

Flesh sweet and sour taste, its cool, strong astringent, aromatic smell. Efficacious grease pulmonary organs, stop cough, laxative urine (diuretic), laxative fart (carminative), improve digestive disorders, stimulates saliva, and lowering blood glucose levels (hypoglycemic). Bark efficacious for peluruh menstruation. The results showed seeds, leaves and bark properties jamblang have lower blood glucose levels (hypoglycemic effect) in patients with diabetes mellitus type II. Research in India get the result that the fruit jamblang potential as contraceptive in men. In animal experiments, jamblang can prevent the onset of cataracts due to diabetes. Jamblang also reduce the risk of atherosclerosis up to 60-90% in diabetics. This occurs because the content of oleanolic acid on jamblang to suppress the role of free radicals in the formation of atherosclerosis.

Tanaman Obat ( Pacar Cina )


Chinese boyfriend often planted in gardens and yards as an ornamental plant, or growing wild in fields that get enough sunlight. The plant was imported from China. The flowers are often used to scent tea or clothing. Shrubs, height 2-6 m, woody stems, much branched, stems mottled black gland. Odd pinnate compound leaves that grow turns, the child leaves 3-5. Children short-stemmed leaves, round egg shape breech, 3-6 cm long, width 1 to 3.5 cm, tip pointed, base tapering, flat edge, sleek surfaces, especially young leaves. Flowers in panicles meeting, panjangnya.5 - 16 cm, yellow, and fragrant. Fruit buni, round oval, red color, length 6-7 mm, with space 1-3, seeds 1-3. Propagation through the graft.

Local Name:
Culan (Sunda). culam girlfriend (Java).; Boyfriend china, culan (Sumatra). Mi zi lan (China). ;

Curable Disease:
Abdominal bloating, coughing, dizziness, accelerate delivery, bruises,; Boils, a lot of menstrual blood, body odor, diarrhea, difficult swallowing.;

Tanaman Obat ( Wijaya Kusuma )

Wijayakusuma (Epiphyllum anguliger) including the type of cactus, a division anthophita, nation and class opuntiales dicotiledoneae. Cactus species there are about 1,500 species (family). Cactus plants can live abundantly in areas of moderate to tropical. Likewise Wijayakusuma plants. Flowers Wijayakusuma just broke a few moments and not all flowering plants can Wijayakusuma easily, depending on climate, soil fertility and how maintenance. In general, types of cactus plants is difficult to determine the morphology, but Wijayakusuma can be seen clearly where the leaf and where the stalks, after the plant is old age. Wijayakusuma tree trunk is actually formed from strands of leaves hardened and narrowed. Strand flat leaf, green leaf surface smooth with no barbed, another case with a cactus-cactus in general. On each edge there Wijayakusuma leaves indentations overgrown leaves or flower buds. Wijayakusuma can grow well in a not too hot.

Local Name:

Wijayakusuma (Indonesia);

Curable Disease:

Tanaman Obat ( Brotowali )

Wild plants in the forests, fields or planted yard near the fence. Usually planted as a medicinal plant. Like a hot place, including shrubs, climbing, stems to 2.5 m. high Trunk of your little finger, berbintil rash bitter meeting. Single leaves, stemmed, heart-shaped or somewhat budar eggs pointy toes, length 7-12 cm, wide 5-10 cm. Flowers small, light green color, pseudo-shaped bunches. Propagated by cuttings.

Local Name:
Antawali, bratawali, putrawali, leaf gadel (Java); Andawali (Sunda), Antawali (Bali); Shen jin teng (Chinese).;

Curable Disease:
Rheumatism, fever, appetite, Diabetes;

Tanaman Obat ( Belimbing Wuluh)

Small tree, reaching 10 m high with a trunk that is not so big and has a diameter of only about 30 cm. Planted as fruit trees, sometimes grows wild and is found from the lowlands to 500 m dpi. Trees originating from tropical America where it wants to grow is not shaded and quite humid. Carambola wuluh have rough bumpy stem, branching slightly, leaning over him. Young branches smooth-haired velvety, light brown color. Leaves odd pinnate compound leaf form with 21-45 pairs of leaflets. Children short-stemmed leaves, shape ovate to elliptic, pointed tip, base rounded, flat edge, 2-10 cm long, 1-3 cm wide, green color, lower surface light green. Inflorescence a panicle, group, out of the trunk or large branches, small flower-shaped reddish-purple star. Buni fruit fruit, round-cornered oval, length from 4 to 6.5 Ern, yellowish green color, when ripe juicy lot, sour taste. Seed shape is oval, flattened. Taste the fruit acids, used as a syrup freshener, flavoring dishes, clean the stain on the cloth, polish goods made of brass, clean hands are dirty or as ingredients of traditional medicine. Propagation by seed and grafting.

Local Name:
Limeng, selimeng, thlimeng (Aceh), selemeng (Gayo),; Asom, starfruit, balimbingan (Batak), malimbi (Nias),; balimbieng (Minangkabau), star fruit acid (Malay); Balimbing (Lampung). calincing, balingbing (Sunda); Balimbing wuluh (Java), bhalingbhing fur (Madura).; Blingbing Buloh (Bali), limbi (Bima), balimbeng (Flores); Libi (MPA), sulfur (Sangi).;

Curable Disease:
Cough, cold sores (stomatitis), stomach pain, mumps (parotitis),: rheumatism, whooping cough, bleeding gums, canker sores, painful cavities, acne, phlegm, high blood pressure (hypertension), paralysis,; Improve digestive function, inflammation of the rectum .;

Tanaman Obat ( Adem Ati)

The form of a tree, can reach 10 meters high. Woody stems and branches. Single leaf, elliptical shape, color green, and downy. Inflorescence a panicle, flowers yellowish-white crown. Round fruit, young fruit is green, after the old black. Roots saddle brown color. Parts used Root, bark, and leaves.

Local Name:
NAME OF REGION: Civil stone, beusai Civil, Civil tangkalak, Madang cotton (Sd); Adem ati, Kapu monkey, Nyampu wingka, Wuru shard (Jw). FOREIGN NAME: NAME crude drug Radix Litseae glutinosae; Roots Adem Ati. Litseae glutinosae Cortex; Bark Adem Ati. Litseae glictinosae Folium; Leaves Adem Ati.

Curable Disease:
Typical Properties Sweet, bitter, and cooling. USSAGE Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and hemostatic.

Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

Tanaman obat (Buah Pala)

Almost everyone knows the fruit of nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt). We usually use the seeds as a spice in cooking. Processed meats and dishes bersantan feels more fragrant and delicious by adding a little nutmeg smooth. Another flesh, fragrant with the scent makes the meat taste a little sour nutmeg syrup suitable for raw materials as well as sweets. Habitual use of nutmeg as a spice in cooking or eating in the form of syrups and sweets should be encouraged, given the fruit with fragrant scent it turns out to have many health giving properties. Chemical content contained can be overcome insomania, mucoid cough, aid digestion, relieving muscle spasms etc..

Tanaman obat (Akar Pinang)

Betel nut (Areca catechu L.)
Synonym: A. hortensis, Lour,
Familia: Arecaceae

Betel nut is generally planted in the yard, in the gardens or cultivated, sometimes growing wild on the banks of rivers and other places, can be found from 1-1400 m above sea level. Slender trunked tree, grows straight, 10-30 m tall, 15-20 cm diameter, unbranched with the former leaves off. Pinnate compound leaves grow together form a rosette at the stem end of the rod. Tubular leaf midrib, 80 cm long, petiole short. 1 to 1.8 m long strands of leaves, leaf child has a 85 cm long, 5 cm wide, with cutouts and scalloped edge. Cob flower with a long sheath that easily fall out, get out from under the rosette of leaves, length about 75 cm, with short stems branched double. There is 1 female flower at the base, on top of many male flowers are arranged in 2 lines embedded in the groove.

Tanaman obat (Air Kelapa Hijau)

Coconut water is known as a refreshing beverage thirst release. In addition, coconut water also can nourish the body thanks to the nutrients contained therein. If processed properly, coconut water also can treat various skin diseases like eczema, burns, acne, prevent wrinkles to overcome wormy disease in children.

Coconut water contains a variety of macro and micro elements. Macro elements contained in coconut water is the carbon and nitrogen. Elemental carbon in the form of simple carbohydrates coconut water such as glucose, sucrose, fructose, sorbitol, inositol, and others. The element nitrogen in the form of the protein, composed of amino acids, such as opy, arginine, alanine, cystine, and serine. As an illustration, the amino acid content of coconut water is higher than amino acids in dairy cows